Flint Hills Technical College recognizes that traditional methods, programs, and services are not always appropriate or sufficient to accommodate the experiences of some persons. When a student’s abilities prevent them from fulfilling a course requirement through conventional procedures, consideration will be given to alternatives, keeping in mind that academic standards must be maintained.
To reasonably accommodate a qualified student means that program modifications and academic adjustments as deemed appropriate in an individual situation may be made. Support services and auxiliary aids are examples of reasonable accommodations that may be made available under specific circumstances.
Each student eligible for accommodation and/or services, under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), has certain responsibilities to fulfill. The student must provide Flint Hills Technical College with medical or other diagnostic documentation that confirms their abilities and may be required to provide additional documentation which evaluates their situation. Documentation means a recent and appropriate report, evaluating the individual’s ability to perform college work, prepared by a qualified physician, psychologist, or professional, and which states the parameters of the student’s abilities.
The Dean of Enrollment Management serves as coordinator of accommodations for students with disabilities at Flint Hills Technical College, and acts as a resource person to the faculty and staff, along with liaison to outside agencies.
If accommodations or auxiliary aids are needed, the student should make their needs known by notifying the Dean of Enrollment Management at registration, or as soon as realistically possible. To file a request for accommodation, a student must complete the appropriate information on the Request for Accommodation and Academic Support form. The Accessibility Information Sheet and the Release of Information form must also be completed and forwarded with relevant information and materials in a sealed envelope to the Dean of Enrollment Management.
All such matters are treated in strict confidence and shall not be discussed except with appropriate personnel. Students are responsible for contacting the Dean of Enrollment Management to discuss the need for reasonable accommodations. Since it is the student’s responsibility to disclose this information, the student is requested to provide recent documentation about any functional limitations so faculty and staff can make recommendations as to the type of reasonable accommodation that is available to the student.
Examples of reasonable academic adjustments / auxiliary aids include:
Academic support services examples:
Auxiliary aids examples:
Within 14 days upon receipt of the Request for Accommodation and accompanying documentation, the Vice President of Students Services will contact the student in writing to confirm that the requested academic adjustment/auxiliary aid is approved, denied or an alternative is suggested.
Upon approval of the requested academic adjustment/auxiliary aid each faculty member will be notified in writing of the required accommodations for the student. The student will also receive a copy of this notification via email.
If at any time throughout the academic year, a student feels that the agreed upon accommodations are not being followed by an instructor(s) or that alternate accommodations need to be provided, the student may contact the Vice President of Student Services at lkirmer@fhtc.edu or 620-341-1325 or stop by the Student Services Office. Each semester the student’s schedule of classes will be accessed by the Vice President of Student Services for
the purpose of communicating accommodations with any new instructors. If a student changes any courses throughout a semester, the Vice President of Student Services needs to be notified in order to disseminate information to all of the student’s instructors.
If the request is denied or an alternative is suggested the Vice President of Student Services may request additional documentation and/or a meeting with the student.
If a student’s requested academic adjustment/auxiliary aid is denied the student has the right to appeal. The student may appeal the decision in writing to the Vice President of Student Services by completing the Appeal of Denial of Reasonable Accommodation Request form. The form may be obtained below, in the Student Services Office, mailed, emailed.
Students are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the Vice President of Student Services. An attempt will be made to resolve the issue/s causing concern by assisting the student in discussions with the faculty member, department, or program. Most situations are positively resolved through this process. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the student should notify the Office of the President where grievance procedures are filed for all students, including students with disabilities.
Office of the President
Flint Hills Technical College
3301 West 18th Avenue
Emporia, KS 66801
The complaint must be filed in writing within 20 calendar days following the act or event from which the complaint arose. The written complaint must contain specific details regarding the incident, employee or school regulation, which is being protested. The President will respond to a complaint, which has been appropriately filed and provide a time line for official response. The official response will be given to the student in writing.
If the student does not accept the President’s official response, the student has the option of proceeding to the Board of Trustees. The complaint must be filed in writing to the Clerk of the Board within 10 days after the official response from the President is first received. The Clerk of the Board will respond to a complaint, which has been appropriately filed, within 10 days of receiving the written complaint filed with the Clerk of the Board. The Clerk of the Board will provide a timeline for official response for the Board of Trustees. Board members may choose to invite the student to an executive session in order to gain further information. The official response of the Board of Trustees will be given to the student in writing. The Board’s decision shall be final.
If the complaint is not resolved at the College level, a student may choose to file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights.
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
One Petticoat Lane
1010 Walnut, Suite 230
Kansas City, MO 64106
(Phone) 816-268-0550
(TTY) 877-521-2172
Web Address: http://www.ed.gov/ocr
All such matters are treated in strict confidence and shall not be discussed except with appropriate personnel.