We can combine our instructional expertise with your company’s occupational expertise. If you already have a training department, we can be an extension of it. And, if you don’t, FHTC will work directly with you to develop training solutions that will help your organization maintain a competitive edge. These training solutions range from basic skills (GED, ESL) to highly complicated technical skills aimed at upgrading, cross-training and/or retraining your workforce. To see how we can customize a training solution for you, call 620-343-4600.
Our course schedule contains a wide range of educational and training opportunities for individuals who wish to attain new skills or upgrade existing skills. We can customize any course to meet the unique needs of your organization or we can create a course, seminar, workshop or other training solution completely from scratch to meet your exact needs.
Starting with an up-front assessment, we can help you pinpoint your organization’s training needs and current levels of employee expertise. Then, in consultation, we can collaboratively develop specific training solutions based upon the findings.
We specialize in designing courses, seminars and workshops that will meet the specific content, location and scheduling needs of your organization. We’re flexible, responsive and customer-oriented.
Location: Customized training can be delivered at FHTC, on-site at your company, or at other locations suited to your needs. Reducing travel time/expense and convenience is our objective.
Curriculum: As professional education and curriculum experts, we understand how to target topics and develop specific courses, conferences or workshops tailored to the requirements that you specify. Furthermore, your organization’s own data and situations can be used for case studies, examples and exercises.
Instructors/Faculty: The faculty at FHTC are subject matter experts with proven teaching abilities and “real-world” experiences. They are available to share their expertise and offer practical solutions.
Train-the-Trainer: The best trainers have both “subject-matter” and “instructional” expertise. If you select an employee as the trainer because of subject matter knowledge and skills, FHTC will help the individual refine his/her teaching techniques prior to commencing the training. This is a win-win situation for the trainer, students and your company.
Scheduling Requirements: Training dates, days and times can be arranged to suit your scheduling requirements. Plan courses, seminars, and workshops when you want.
Recognition: Achievement shouldn’t go unnoticed. Depending upon the design of the training, we offer a variety of awards for successful completers:
Documenting: Another “bonus” of partnering with us is the documentation of the training. This becomes a permanent historical record that the trainee can access when needed in the future for educational and employment purposes.
If you have the expertise to teach a course on your own but need special facilities, you can reserve a training facility (classroom, laboratory, conference center) at FHTC for a nominal fee.
Customized training is available for individuals or groups of all sizes. Cost will vary with the particulars of the training as well as the number of participants.