

HCA216 Culinary Nutrition

3 Credit Hours

Students will identify a healthy diet as it applies to gender, age, activity level, and the status of an individual’s health. Students will illustrate the ability to select healthy ingredients for food preparation. They will evaluate various cooking techniques and assess how they affect the flavor and quality of finished dishes. They will analyze recipes and develop healthy menu options. In addition, students will earn a certificate from the National Restaurant Association (NRA) in collaboration with the Manage First (MFP) credential. This course is one of the five (NRAEF) courses that help students earn their MFP certification. PREREQUISITE: HCA 128 Food Sanitation

2025 Fall Term

Section: A
Course Format: On-Campus Seats Available: 11/16
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person FHTC M114E 08/11/25 - 12/11/25 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM M R Gina Lyon
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M114E
Dates 08/11/25 - 12/11/25
Times 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Meeting Days M R
Instructor Gina Lyon