

NET116 PC Servicing & Troubleshooting

3 Credit Hours

Students will analyze the hardware components of a personal computer and evaluate their relative industry standards in terms of features, performance, and cost. They will analyze and evaluate industry-standard operating systems and their relative software components in terms of features, performance, and cost. Students will perform installations and upgrades of hardware and software components of the PC and demonstrate preventive maintenance techniques on these components. They will interact with customers in order to troubleshoot and repair malfunctioning customer’s PCs. This course is preparatory for the A+ essentials certification exam. This course is required for all Network Technology courses 117 or higher. PREREQUISITE: NET 115 Digital Electronics

2025 Spring Term

Section: A
Course Format: On-Campus Seats Available: 14/18
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person FHTC M109 02/20/25 - 04/04/25 8:00 AM - 11:20 AM M T W R F Adam Starr
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M109
Dates 02/20/25 - 04/04/25
Times 8:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Meeting Days M T W R F
Instructor Adam Starr

2025 Fall Term

Section: A
Course Format: On-Campus Seats Available: 18/18
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person FHTC M109 09/18/25 - 10/24/25 8:00 AM - 11:20 AM M T W R F Adam Starr
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M109
Dates 09/18/25 - 10/24/25
Times 8:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Meeting Days M T W R F
Instructor Adam Starr

2026 Spring Term

Section: A
Course Format: On-Campus Seats Available: 16/18
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person FHTC M109 02/19/26 - 04/06/26 8:00 AM - 11:20 AM M T W R F Adam Starr
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M109
Dates 02/19/26 - 04/06/26
Times 8:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Meeting Days M T W R F
Instructor Adam Starr