

HYG217 Dental Analgesics and Therapeutics

2 Credit Hours

This course will introduce the basic principles of drug actions, emphasizing dental-related therapeutics and drugs associated with common systemic disorders, information on the selection of professional products, and principles necessary in administering local anesthesia. PREREQUISITE: HYG 204 Periodontics; HYG 212 Clinical Dental Hygiene II

2025 Fall Term

Section: Z
Course Format: Hybrid Seats Available: 0/5
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person FHTC M121 08/15/25 - 12/19/25 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM F Amanda Parsons
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M121
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/19/25
Times 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Meeting Days F
Instructor Amanda Parsons
Online 08/15/25 - 12/19/25 Amanda Parsons
Type Online
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/19/25
Meeting Days
Instructor Amanda Parsons
Section: ZB
Course Format: On-Campus Seats Available: 0/5
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
Online 08/15/25 - 12/19/25 Amanda Parsons
Type Online
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/19/25
Meeting Days
Instructor Amanda Parsons
In-Person FHTC M121 08/15/25 - 12/19/25 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM F Taylor Whetham
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M121
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/19/25
Times 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Meeting Days F
Instructor Taylor Whetham
Section: ZC
Course Format: On-Campus Seats Available: 0/5
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
Online 08/15/25 - 12/19/25 Amanda Parsons
Type Online
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/19/25
Meeting Days
Instructor Amanda Parsons
In-Person FHTC M121 08/15/25 - 12/19/25 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM F Payten Schneider
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M121
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/19/25
Times 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Meeting Days F
Instructor Payten Schneider