

HYG110 Dental Radiography

2 Credit Hours

Students will perform safe and effective methods of exposing, processing and mounting diagnostic radiographs. This course includes tasks related to the techniques for producing bitewing and periapical radiographs, producing full-mouth surveys and extra-oral radiographs for the adult, child, and special needs patients. Students also study the recognition and prevention of radiographic errors.

2025 Fall Term

Section: ZB
Course Format: On-Campus Seats Available: 5/5
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
Online 08/15/25 - 12/12/25 Amanda Parsons
Type Online
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/12/25
Meeting Days
Instructor Amanda Parsons
In-Person FHTC M108J 08/15/25 - 12/12/25 8:30 AM - 11:20 AM F Payten Schneider
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M108J
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/12/25
Times 8:30 AM - 11:20 AM
Meeting Days F
Instructor Payten Schneider
Section: ZC
Course Format: On-Campus Seats Available: 5/5
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
Online 08/15/25 - 12/12/25 Amanda Parsons
Type Online
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/12/25
Meeting Days
Instructor Amanda Parsons
In-Person FHTC M108K 08/15/25 - 12/12/25 8:30 AM - 11:20 AM F Taylor Whetham
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M108K
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/12/25
Times 8:30 AM - 11:20 AM
Meeting Days F
Instructor Taylor Whetham
Section: ZA
Course Format: On-Campus Seats Available: 5/5
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person FHTC M108H 08/15/25 - 12/12/25 8:30 AM - 11:20 AM F Amanda Parsons
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M108H
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/12/25
Times 8:30 AM - 11:20 AM
Meeting Days F
Instructor Amanda Parsons
Online 08/15/25 - 12/12/25 Amanda Parsons
Type Online
Dates 08/15/25 - 12/12/25
Meeting Days
Instructor Amanda Parsons