

HCA110 Restaurant Management & Leadership

3 Credit Hours

Hospitality management is a core element to the success of any culinary professional. This course combines the elements of hospitality management and leadership theory. This course is designed to cover all the basic functions of restaurant management as well as a time to discover and evaluate personal leadership philosophy. In addition, certification may be earned from the National Restaurant Association (NRA) in collaboration with the ManageFirst (MFP) credential. This course is one of five (NRAEF) courses that help students earn the MFP certification.

2025 Fall Term

Section: Z
Course Format: Hybrid Seats Available: 11/16
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person FHTC M114E 08/13/25 - 12/10/25 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM W Brianna Bess
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M114E
Dates 08/13/25 - 12/10/25
Times 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM
Meeting Days W
Instructor Brianna Bess
Online 08/12/25 - 12/12/25 Brianna Bess
Type Online
Dates 08/12/25 - 12/12/25
Meeting Days
Instructor Brianna Bess