

ECE151 Teaching and Caring for the Exceptional Child

3 Credit Hours

Students will examine the caring for and working with children who have exceptionalities in regard to neuro development, physical development, emotional development, or impacts of chronic health conditions. Legal cases, laws, regulations, and guidelines that affect the delivery of care and learning services to this population will be researched. Observation procedures, use of findings and collaboration with existing service providers, adaptation techniques, accommodations, inclusion, acceleration, and assessments will be employed through planned activities.

2025 Spring Term

Section: O
Course Format: Online Seats Available: 10/20
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
Online 01/17/25 - 05/16/25 Nancy Robinson
Type Online
Dates 01/17/25 - 05/16/25
Meeting Days
Instructor Nancy Robinson

2026 Spring Term

Section: O
Course Format: Online Seats Available: 18/20
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
Online 01/12/26 - 05/15/26 Nancy Robinson
Type Online
Dates 01/12/26 - 05/15/26
Meeting Days
Instructor Nancy Robinson
Section: Z
Course Format: Hybrid Seats Available: 20/20
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person FHTC M104 01/12/26 - 05/11/26 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM M Nancy Robinson
Type In-Person
Location FHTC M104
Dates 01/12/26 - 05/11/26
Times 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Meeting Days M
Instructor Nancy Robinson
Online 01/12/26 - 05/13/26 Nancy Robinson
Type Online
Dates 01/12/26 - 05/13/26
Meeting Days
Instructor Nancy Robinson