

AMT242 Alternative Fuel Systems

4 Credit Hours

The student will use proper techniques to effectively analyze, repair and recondition alternative fuel systems.

2025 Spring Term

Section: Z
Course Format: Hybrid Seats Available: 17/24
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person HEC H111 01/13/25 - 03/13/25 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM M T W R F Joseph Brazzle
Type In-Person
Location HEC H111
Dates 01/13/25 - 03/13/25
Times 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Meeting Days M T W R F
Instructor Joseph Brazzle
Online 01/13/25 - 03/13/25 Joseph Brazzle
Type Online
Dates 01/13/25 - 03/13/25
Meeting Days
Instructor Joseph Brazzle

2026 Spring Term

Section: ZA
Course Format: Hybrid Seats Available: 11/24
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person HEC H111 01/12/26 - 03/12/26 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM M T W R F Frank Harbaugh
Type In-Person
Location HEC H111
Dates 01/12/26 - 03/12/26
Times 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Meeting Days M T W R F
Instructor Frank Harbaugh
Online 01/12/26 - 03/12/26 Joseph Brazzle
Type Online
Dates 01/12/26 - 03/12/26
Meeting Days
Instructor Joseph Brazzle