Undergraduate Students
Complete the Scholarship Application for Undergraduate Students if:
High School Students
Complete the Scholarship Application for High School Students if:
*Applicants must re-apply every year to be considered for scholarships and are based on your program, GPA, enrollment and application date.
Apply at: https://sfa.kansasregents.org/login.jsp
Priority Deadline May 1st
The Career Technical Workforce Grant is available to students enrolled in an eligible career technical education program operated by a designated Kansas educational institution that has been identified as offering a technical certificate or associate of applied science degree program in a high cost, high demand, or critical industry field.
You must be a Kansas resident, a graduate from an accredited high school or Kansas GED and enrolled in one of the following FHTC majors:
Computer Program Design
Dental Assisting
Dental Hygiene
Graphic Arts
Hospitality Culinary Arts
Industrial Engineering
Network Technology
Practical Nursing
Apply at: https://sfa.kansasregents.org/login.jsp
This is a service agreement scholarship for students. The following FHTC majors are eligible for Kansas Promise:
Automotive Technology
Computer Program Design
Computerized Machine Tool Engineering
Dental Assisting
Dental Hygiene
Early Childhood Education
Emergency Services (EMR, EMT, AEMT)
Healthcare Administration/
Industrial Engineering
Network Technology
Practical Nursing
To be eligible for the Kansas Promise Scholarship you must:
You may be enrolled either part-time (minimum of 6 hours in the fall, summer or spring semester) or full-time (minimum of 12 hours in the fall, summer or spring semester). However, you must complete your program of study within 36 months from the start of your first Kansas Promise Act funded class for which you were awarded the Kansas Promise Scholarship.
It is very important to understand that to receive a Kansas Promise Scholarship you will be required to sign an Agreement that you will successfully complete the program within 36 months and that you will live and work in the State of Kansas for two consecutive years following the successful completion of your program of study. Failure to satisfy the program completion, Kansas residency, or Kansas work obligations will result in your having to repay the amount of the scholarship assistance that you received plus interest and collection costs.
If your program of study continues beyond one year, you will need to complete a Kansas Promise Service Scholarship Renewal Application to continue to be eligible for funding. For more information on the Kansas Promise Act Scholarship, including Frequently Asked Questions and application deadlines, please visit: https://www.kansasregents.org/students/student_financial_aid/promise-act-scholarship. Or, contact them directly at: scholars@ksbor.org or (785) 430-4300.
Apply at: https://horatioalger.org/scholarships/
As one of the nation’s largest need-based college scholarship programs in the country, the Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs specifically assist high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives. While many programs are directed primarily to recognizing academic achievement or leadership potential, the Horatio Alger Association seeks students who have exhibited determination, integrity, and perseverance in overcoming adversity, as well as have critical financial need. Application opens in March, awards up to $2,500.
To be eligible to apply for any of the Horatio Alger Undergraduate Scholarships, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Apply at:https://kansasmasonic.foundation/program/scholarships/
Online applications accepted December 1 – February 15
The Kansas Masonic Foundation seeks to demonstrate both our personal commitment and the heartfelt desire of Kansas Masons and donors to help advance education for the common good and well-being of our society. The purpose of these scholarships is to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who are pursuing opportunities for personal and professional growth via higher education.
Apply at: https://obrate.smapply.org/
The deadline for completing the application is May 1st. Need based awards range from $500 – $5,000
Eligibility Criteria
O’Brate Foundation Contact Info
Phone: 1.620.277.7831
Email: submissions@obratefoundation.org
For more information please visit: https://obratefoundation.org/traditional-scholarship
KS Works: https://www.kansasworks.com/
State assistance is available to qualified students (program, income, etc.
Contact the EMPORIA WORKFORCE CENTER at 620-342-3355 or visit in person at: 215 W. 6th Ave., Suite 107 Emporia, KS 66801
Apply at: https://jonesfdn.org/education
Financial assistance for college education costs is available for individuals, regardless of age. Those eligible to apply must be a US Citizen or a non-US Citizen in Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status who are:
Note: Attending an education institution in the three-county area does not establish residency. Students who move to one of the three counties and attend ANY post-secondary education institution BEFORE fulfilling the one-year residency requirement are not eligible to apply.
No application or FASFA is needed for this opportunity. Eligible students will receive $1000 their 1st year and $1500 their 2nd year.
Eligible students will receive this scholarship based on the following:
Residents (for at least one year) of Coffey, Lyon or Osage counties who are:
Renewal requirement for the 2nd 3rd and 4th semester:
Apply at: https://www.kacrao.org/kacrao-scholarship
To be eligible for consideration for these scholarships, students must:
• Be in their senior year at a Kansas high school.
• Have a cumulative seventh semester GPA of at least 3.25 on a 4.0 scale:
• Be attending a KACROA member institution (in Kansas) in the upcoming Fall semester.
• The awards are not need-based and may be used in conjunction with other awards.
Arlene Eichorn Scholarship
The Friends of CareArc offer the $1000 scholarship annually to an outstanding student enrolled in a program offering a degree in Dental Hygiene, Licensed Practical Nursing, or other medical ancillary program.
Criteria for selection include:
How to apply