Student Life

Student Senate

The FHTC Student Senate is a service organization that contributes to the college in many areas, including planning and organizing school events and activities, departmental representation, input on college operations, serving as a voice for student concerns, and providing a forum for dialogue on the quality of student life at FHTC. Students interested in becoming a Student Senator should contact their advisor. 

Student Organizations

FHTC students have many opportunities to become involved with departmental or campus-wide organizations.

  • Christian Connection
  • Community Services Organization (CSO)
  • Hispanic America Leadership Organization (HALO)
  • Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)
  • Presidential Student Ambassadors
  • SkillsUSA
  • Student American Dental Hygiene Association
  • Student Alliance
    Disc Golf Club

Campus and Local Events

FHTC and the Emporia community hold many events and opportunities for students to participate in. Check out the events calendar to find upcoming events.

Current Student Activities

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