Student Complaint Process

Students have the right to be heard and their complaints acted upon if and when they feel that decisions made or actions taken are unfair, unreasonable or discriminatory. Students should first seek relief with their instructor. If unsuccessful, students are encouraged to take their complaint to their Division Chairperson. If unsuccessful after visiting with their Division Chairperson, students are encouraged to seek assistance from the Executive Vice President of Student Services and Academic Affairs. The official complaint form can be found in the link below or in the Reeble Student Success Center.

Otherwise, a student may file a complaint with the President regarding an employee, rule or regulation. The complaint must be filed in writing within 20 calendar days following the act or event from which the report arose. The written complaint must contain specific details regarding the incident, employee or school regulation, which is being protested. The President will respond to a complaint, which has been appropriately filed and provide a timeline for official response. The official response will be given to the student in writing.

If a student does not accept the President’s official response, the student has the option of proceeding to the Board of Trustees. The complaint must be filed in writing to the Clerk of the Board within 10 days after the official response from the President is first received. The Clerk of the Board will respond to a complaint, which has been appropriately filed, within 10 days of receiving the written complaint filed with the Clerk of the Board. The Clerk of the Board will provide a timeline for official response from the Board of Trustees. Board members may choose to invite the student to an executive session in order to gain further information. The official response of the Board of Trustees will be given to the student in writing. The Board’s decision shall be final.

For Out-of-State Online Students

If you are an out-of-state student taking online courses from Flint Hills Technical College and have a complaint, you need to go through the steps listed above. If you still feel that you have not gotten relief, please fill out the SARA form below and submit the completed form and all associated documents to

Official Complaint Form View Link
State Authorization Reciprocal Agreement (SARA) Complaint Form View Link