

BUS222 Computerized Accounting

2 Credit Hours

Students will extend and apply their knowledge of accounting by using computer software such as QuickBooks. Students will participate in hands-on activities in QuickBooks to maintain a general ledger, track vendor, customer, and inventory activities; process payroll for company employees, prepare bank reconciliations, track time for employees and jobs, customize the appearance of reports and invoices, view graphs, export information in Excel and Word, and utilize the memorizing features of QuickBooks. PREREQUISITE: BUS 113 Business Accounting

2025 Spring Term

Section: O
Course Format: Online Seats Available: 15/20
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
Online 01/13/25 - 03/14/25 Andrea Cahoone
Type Online
Dates 01/13/25 - 03/14/25
Meeting Days
Instructor Andrea Cahoone